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Training Reports

Our new website: Snow Biking in Japan.
We continue our reports there.

We present our training here. Click the links to read our reports. The very first report is Heiwa (Season 2004-2005). The off-season reports are those of seasons where roads are not snow covered and the serial numbers are not always straight as some reports have been removed. Moreover, some of photos we use in the reports are those of reproduction because we have to manage to take photos ourselves as we don't hire photographer.

Here the winter means the period between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox.

This page displays only the links to the latest training reports. To read the older reports, click Training Reports 2.

Reports in videos
Season 2019-2020 Mikuni Pass 49
Season 2018-2019 Mikuni Pass 28
Kitami Pass 21
Season 2016-2017 Mt.Tokachidake 129
Season 2007-2008 Kenashi Pass 15

Off-season 2015
Summer Shiretoko Pass 5

Off-season 2014
Spring Mt.Tokachidake 30

Season 2011-2012
Midwinter Mt.Tokachidake 12
Mt.Tokachidake 13
Late winter Mt.Tokachidake 15
Early spring Mt.Tokachidake 16

Off-season 2010
Spring Mt.Tokachidake 2
Summer Mt.Tokachidake 3
Mt.Tokachidake 4

Season 2009-2010
Late autumn Mt.Tokachidake 3
Early winter Kenashi Pass 19
Midwinter Mt.Tokachidake 4
Mt.Tokachidake 5
Late winter Minamiainosato 3
Oyafuru 12
Early spring Kenashi Pass 20

Off-season 2009
Summer Ginsendai-Mikuni Pass

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